Welcome to Global Consultancy Services, your trusted partner for a seamless transition into new territories and business ventures. Conveniently located in the scenic town of Damtal, nestled within the breathtaking landscapes of Himachal State, we offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet your immigration and business needs.

    We Will Help You To Move To The Abroad

    Feel Free To Contact For Better Consultancy

    What We offer

    Our Best Services

    Study Visa Consultancy

    Our expert consultants guide students through the visa application process, offering tailored advice and assistance to maximize their chances of success.

    University Placement

    Leveraging our extensive network of partner universities, we help students find the perfect academic fit based on their interests, goals, and preferences.

    Work Permit Assistance

    Navigating the complexities of work permit applications can be challenging. Our expert consultants provide personalized guidance and support to streamline the process, ensuring a smooth transition into your desired work environment.

    Post-Arrival Support

    From airport pickup to accommodation arrangements, we provide comprehensive support to ensure a smooth transition for students arriving in their new host country.

    Interview Preparation

    Our specialized interview preparation services equip students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to ace their visa interviews.

    Spouse Visa Assistance

    Reuniting with loved ones is a priority for many. Our consultants specialize in spouse visa applications, facilitating seamless reunions for couples separated by geographical boundaries.

    Immigration Services


    Whether you seek permanent residency or temporary permits, our team of experts will guide you through the process with efficiency and precision.

    Work Permits:

    From navigating complex regulations to ensuring compliance, we handle all aspects of work permit applications to streamline your transition.

    Visa Solutions:

    Our comprehensive visa assistance services cover a spectrum of needs, from tourist visas to specialized investor visas, ensuring a hassle-free process.

    Residency by Investment:

    Explore opportunities to secure residency through strategic investments in various jurisdictions worldwide, with our expert guidance every step of the way.

    Apply Visa Online

    Start by visiting the official immigration or government website of the country you wish to...

    Visa Resources

    The official website of the embassy or consulate of the country you plan to visit is an essential resource for...

    Immigration Process

    Before delving into the intricacies of the immigration process, it's essential to clarify your...

    Education Consultancy

    Study Abroad Assistance:

    Unlock opportunities for global education with our tailored guidance on choosing the right institutions, navigating admissions processes, and securing student visas.

    Language Proficiency Tests:

    Prepare for language proficiency exams such as IELTS, TOEFL, and others with our specialized training and support services.

    Scholarship Opportunities:

    Access information on available scholarships and grants to support your academic pursuits abroad, with expert advice on application procedures and requirements.

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    Visa Categories

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    Visa Process

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    Success Rate

    Business Consulting

    Company Formation:

    Whether establishing a new venture or expanding into new markets, we provide end-to-end support for company formation, ensuring compliance with local regulations and best practices.

    Open Bank Accounts:

    Gain access to global banking networks with ease, thanks to our streamlined bank account opening services tailored to your business requirements.

    Virtual Office Solutions:

    Establish a presence in key markets across Europe, the Middle East, and beyond, with our virtual office services offering professional addresses and support facilities wherever you operate.


    At Global Consultancy Services

    At Global Consultancy Services, we are committed to delivering tailored solutions that meet your unique needs and objectives. Our team of seasoned professionals combines expertise with personalized attention to ensure your journey is smooth and successful. Whether you’re embarking on a new chapter in your personal or professional life, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

    Why Choose Global Consultancy Services?

    • q Extensive Network

      With strong partnerships established with renowned universities across the UK, USA, and Europe, we offer a wide array of academic opportunities tailored to suit every student's aspirations and preferences.

    • qExpert Guidance

      Navigating the complexities of study visa applications can be daunting. Our team of experienced consultants provides personalized guidance and support throughout the entire process, ensuring that each student's journey is smooth and stress-free.

    • qInterview Preparation

      We go the extra mile to prepare our students for success. Our comprehensive interview preparation services equip students with the confidence and skills they need to excel in visa interviews, increasing their chances of securing approval.

    • qHolistic Support

      From initial consultation to post-arrival assistance, we provide holistic support at every stage of the study abroad journey. Our commitment to student success extends beyond visa applications, encompassing accommodation arrangements, travel planning, and ongoing academic support.

    Get Started Today

    Embark on your journey to academic excellence with Global Consultancy Services. Contact us today to learn more about our services and start your study abroad adventure with confidence. Let us be your partner in turning your dreams of international education into reality.

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